The first thing I want to say is God made us who we are. He gave us, each of us, the families we are born into and what talents and abilities we inherit. He has a purpose, a course, for each of our lives.
There is no human life that has more intrinsic value than any other.
We have the free will to choose God and His purpose for our lives, or not.
And we have the power to enhance and enrich our lives—add value—by aligning the choices we make in life with what God would have us do. He wants us to live lives that enrich the lives of others in our sphere, however large or small our influence is.
You know what God cares about?
People. Each and every one. Not by nationality, race, age or any other distinction. By name He knows us. We are all His children.
It’s not a police problem. It’s not a color problem. It’s a heart problem.
When that changes, heart by heart, then everything will change.
It starts with God, and me.