12/27/20, 2:13 PM
I don’t know if you’ve noticed but our country is in real crisis.
It’s a case of whether we are going to stand by and let the Demo-rats illegally take the election or are we going to stand up for ourselves and our beliefs, including our beliefs about what this country stands for.
I believe this country stands for God. I stand with God. I believe Donald Trump stands with God. I can see it in him now. You can have no better ally in the fight for Right. God wins—every time.
To assume that Joe Biden is going to be president is merely taking the “steal,” in your mind, to the next step. In that imagined scenario Kamala Harris would likely take over for the feeble and failing Joe and who knows where that would take us, but it’s a safe, but scary assumption…as all socialist, atheistic societies have always gone…away from God…to hell.
But this is not over yet.
It’s not about social issues, it’s not about COVID, it’s about the road down which we turn. Actually we’re already going down the road to destruction as a country and the time is getting short and closer to the point where correcting our course is even possible.
But ultimately, it’s a solitary decision.
Ultimately, it’s your decision. Which road are you going down?
If you know Him already, then you already know you’re on the right road. It might be bumpy but it’s straight and you know where you’re going—with God! Praise God!
But if you don’t know Jesus, you can. Right now. Today is the day. The time is now.
He chose me. I just said, “Yes, Lord. I believe you are who you say you are. (John 14:6)
You’re not a man that you would lie.” (1 Samuel 15:29)
But the beauty of it is that He wants you, too. He wants everyone to know Him and love Him as He loves us.
Truly, I tell you, Jesus is the ultimate Truth.
Listen. Listen to your heart.
He’s calling your name as you read this.