The Scales are Tipping

Can you see it?
Do you see the evil?
Do you recognize it yet?
Do you see the spirit underlying it all?

It’s the devil, satan. (Oh yes, there really is an evil enemy!)

(Spoiler alert: He’s already been defeated. Praise God!)

Do you see God moving in 
His signs and wonders?

Strange, uncommon occurrences, and shaking
In the earth and in the heavens…
Foretelling His coming
Show of Power and
His Day of Judgment. 


Can you see God in the revival —
The saving of souls —
The people being healed and delivered—
Breaking out all over?

People are waking up and realizing
God is here for them.
They are opening their hearts
To Jesus. 

And it’s just beginning!

Are you seeing things turning?
Are you noticing a shift in the atmosphere?

The scales of justice are tipping. 
God knows truth from lies. 
He knows their hearts. 

He has given 
The wicked evildoers 
Time to repent. 

Time’s up. 

Any moment now
Things will manifest 
Into the natural 
And we will see God 
In His Glory!

Praise God!


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