It’s not difficult to understand
When you boil it down
You can see it right away.
When you consider
good vs. evil
You’re getting close
Realizing where Good and Evil
emanate from…
That’s the crux.
That’s the essence
of where the world is
Right now.
Experiencing an epic, historic,
Biblical battle
Between God and satan.
Satan is trying to
Take over the world
But he won’t win.
God has already won.
Praise God!
Just look what they say
Day by day
What dastardly new idea
They have for breaking us
Killing us
Stealing from us
Tearing our country down.
That is satan at work—
To lie and “steal, kill and destroy!”
That’s his MO—
In and through his evildoers.
Yes, There really is God.
And yes, there really is satan.
It’s time to realize
God is real and is infinitely bigger
and more powerful
than we can even imagine
and knows infinitely more
than we do.
No matter who we are.
Especially those who think
They are gods.
That they should rule the world.
God and His True Church
Are winning the war
With prayer, intercession and decree;
With the power and authority and the
blood of Jesus Christ.
The United States of America,
a nation in covenant with God,
Will be restored.
And the nations of the world—
Many will turn to God.
God just laughs at those
who think they are greater.
He knows all.
He is over all.
God knows Satan’s game
But he’s no match for God.
God always wins.
God is always good.
Praise God!
No middle ground anymore.
Time to choose sides.
Speak out!
He will hear you.
He’s waiting to hear you…
ask for Him…ask for His help…
Just say…