I feel the “fear of impending doom.” There! I just named it. Now I will fight it! Lord give me strength! I feel like I’m on the precipice of a cliff—of my bank account being overdrawn—by a LOT. That’s the fear.
His Assurance—I am your supply. I will never leave you or forsake you. All is well. God is in control.

“There is no edge,” He said to me the other day. I had been experiencing the same fear, yet again. Each day the fear tries to find a way into my mind. Each day I have to cast it out with Faith and Trust. Knowing that Jesus is with me. That He doesn’t lie. He is Truth. Even more, He is Love. And He loves me. He’s my ship. I’m sailing through troubled waters with Him. How could I fail? Not.
I had to step out in faith. I had to put myself and my money in His hands. How else can I show Him I trust Him? So, this month (November 2019) I scheduled payments (on the cc debt) to be auto-deducted without knowing where the money is coming from. But the Lord said to me, “Do you have money in the bank today?” I said yes. It’s one day at a time with God.