My life feels like a top
That’s been spinning for 70 years
And now it’s at the point of
I feel like I’m beginning to wind down
Slowing down
Letting go
Letting age come.
Why fight it?
It’s natural.
I’ve gotten to the point
where I realize the finiteness of my life…
where the days before me are certainly fewer
than those behind…
Do I want to spend my time
Trying to hide behind
what I used to be?
Who’s looking anyway?
It’s normal to get old;
How it happens to you is unique to you.
It is part of your experience of your life.
At least for me it is.
Does everyone look at their life like I do?
I doubt it.
How do you want your life to be?
With God or against Him?
It is a choice you will have to make
At some point or another…
but don’t wait too long.
Can you see what is happening in the world?
It is a struggle, a battle, between light and darkness,
Good and evil.
If you haven’t let yourself know God,
You are being deceived, led astray.
You need to realize
Jesus wants to rescue you
From the darkness and the fear.
Reach out.
Call out to Jesus.
He will answer. Listen…
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
John 8:12 NIV