Money Matters

Today, I was able to set up the last two stabilization payments for the month. (I wrote a little bit about stabilization in another post.) Guess what it all adds up to. $1500±. That is just to pay the bare minimum so I won’t get any closer to the edge.

I am PRAISING THE LORD for my new client. Well, she’s been a client for about two months now. The project I’m doing for them is exactly what I needed at this time. Thank you Marylen Costumes!

The Lord revealed to me or brought to my attention the fact that this client is the best one I’ve ever had. This project is paying the most ever. I’m charging by the hour. It’s not a complicated project, it is just time-intensive because of all the photos that have to be processed for the website. The client thinks about paying me before I even send her an invoice. She brings the check to me the same day. She’s right down the street, about 10 short blocks.

But the point is, God gave me the best client I’ve ever had, when I needed her/the project the most.

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