Lust for Power
Have I got a story for you. This is my theory about the “script” that’s running right here in the USofA…as history is being made.
Starting out with a bang…
At this point the Chinese communists have the nearly elected president of the United States in their pocket.
The pre-president’s family member, we all know, don’t we, took money from the Chinese communists. A lot of money. Millions. Or maybe you haven’t heard? Well, more on that little problem in a minute. But how can they not be indebted to them, the communists? A better question is—Will they be exposed and investigated? (Not likely, judging by what has been going on for the last week.)
So, the new President has sold out to the communists! Well, it sounds pretty far-fetched, will the people believe it? Not if the Demo-rats and their accomplices, the media, have their way, telling the public the opposite of the truth or withholding the truth. But many Americans keep listening to mainstream media, believing, not questioning.
How can our citizens keep trusting that they are being told the truth? Sorry… the Demo-rats and media are lying through their teeth. Are you paying attention yet?
Now that they’ve lied and cheated their way into the White House, with the Media aiding and abetting, the Demo-rats are trying to rub the President’s nose in it by impeaching him again. How sick can they get!? (Pelosi’s sickness knows no bounds…)
[If this was a movie, the audience would be booing and hissing by now.]
But the rats have on their masks of feigned innocence to try to conceal their true motives and intentions, to shield themselves from those of us who know the truth; from hearing the righteous voice of the People.
Donald Trump knows the truth. That’s one reason they consider him “dangerous” and are trying to shut him up.
And a very large number of citizens know the truth and the numbers are growing. We don’t need the (not so) Supreme Court to affirm (or deny) what we see happening before our very eyes.
That’s why they, the social(ist) media, are pulling the plug on anyone who has a loud enough voice to decry their deception…
They’re counting on their multi-year brainwashing campaign (ever since Trump was elected) to have convinced the populace that the President is the bad guy (i.e., the Russian Hoax, impeachment, etc.) while it is really the Demo-rats who are the bad actors. (If you repeat a lie often enough, people start believing it’s true…)
They are counting on people to keep believing the lies, keep drinking their corrupted commie kool-aid.
As if that’s not enough, now Big Tech is piling on. Rushing us to judgment on the attempted Capitol Takeover, trying to paint the picture that Trump is the threat, when all the while the dems are the ones who orchestrated it! The “protesters” who stormed the Capitol are really leftist Antifa and BLM! disguised as Trump supporters.
What a plot! What a stoke of genius!
Isn’t it obvious?
Then the real insanity begins! The House speaker immediately starts decreeing insane standards such as the new language she/it wants to force upon us and the Congress. Just extrapolate out from there…where that is headed.
But this is not a movie! This is really happening! The leftists are trying to take over Our country. It’s true! They are in cahoots with the CCP, among other international players. Can you believe it!?!
I know! It’s hard to believe. It’s very sad.
But, there is Good News!
Since this is Real Life, and not a movie plot, the reality is that the Demo-rats, et al, have no idea what is happening In the Spiritual Realm.
Believe it or not, above all, this is a spiritual battle—for the soul of America.
Good vs evil. God versus the Evil Enemy who seeks to steal, kill and destroy. Yes, it’s true.
This is a battle on the grandest scale imaginable—Global. But it is centered right here, right now in America.
If you don’t believe it…take my word for it, just for a moment…and hear this:
The Lord our God, the God of the Universe is going to intervene and rescue His Christian nation, the United States of America.
Don’t ask me how, Only He knows
But God letting His intentions be known
through His Prophets. (See links below)
Those who have ears to hear, let them hear!
Wise men fear God.
It’s time for you to act.
It’s time to commit your life
to the right side,
the light side,
To go with God.
Now is the time.
He’s drawing the line.
Are you For Me
Or Against Me?
Jesus said “I am the Way
I am the Truth
I am Life.”
You choose.
Darkness or Light.
Find out more:
See my list of prophets here