To me, it is just so blatantly obvious what happened at the Capitol Building, in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021. Well, if you don’t know, let me tell you a story.
It could be straight out of a movie plot!

It was a peaceful rally of hundreds of thousands of people, who, on a cold winter’s day, stood outside in temperatures in the low 40’s for many hours, listening to speeches, singing and praying. They came together to show their respect and appreciation for our President—their show of support. Then, to finish the rally, many formed a procession to walk to the Capitol Building to let their VOICES be heard by Congress, to let their displeasure be known.
But, as the throng approached the Capitol, a number of unsavory looking characters, along with others disguised as Trump supporters, started to attack the building. I can only imagine the horror of the crowd when they saw what was happening. (Update: New information reveals that the attack had actually started before the President had finished speaking.)
Here’s the scenario, in my estimation, the plot if you will, based on information I’ve learned from alternative media sources.
The Demo-rats enticed, probably with money, some Antifa and BLM rabble-rousers to “breach” the Capitol Building. The Capitol guards just happened to be conveniently scarce. And the vandals reportedly used a side door to gain entry. The window smashing and ransacking was for show. All of this to discredit Trump supporters and Trump, and to keep up the false narrative.
Why a poor woman was killed, I don’t know. Maybe she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and witnessed what was going on. (Oh, that would be murder, wouldn’t it?) (Note: 1/11/21 – 5 people were killed died…)
Already, some of them have been identified through face recognition software, as well as people who have identified them and, indeed yes, they look to be—Antifa and BLM members. (5/19/23 – and other operatives.)
But, what were their motives?
1. to make the protesters look bad,
2. to blame it on Trump and make him look bad,
3. to disrupt the proceedings in the Congress; to intimidate members—into submission and compliance—with fear.
4. And to further their government takeover plot.
Sounds like it would make a good movie.
Especially the ending when the people responsible hang for treason!
Now we come to my favorite subject, my pet peeve, the press/media…
They’re just not doing their job, to say the least. I think they think this is a game. They’re colluding with the left, playing the Demo-rats’ deceitful game, creating an uneven playing field and rigging the game. Helping the ‘team’ by obstructing the free flow of information, and LYING to the American Public; playing politics instead of practicing real journalism. Just how does that help democracy?
Oh, and let’s not forget social media, (starting to become a dirty word?) blocking or restricting the communications of the President of the United States! Not to mention law-abiding citizens. Are you kidding? What are you people thinking?! Who named you the thought police? I vote to defund you! We citizens have the right to hear what our President says. You have no right to restrict that information. We can decide for ourselves what to believe, thank you.
You press/media are acting suspiciously like co-conspirators instead of watchdogs. Restricting information in the Information Age, how ironic. You seem to think you should be making and controlling the news, instead of impartially reporting it. I can’t believe it. But it’s true.
You see, my problem is, I don’t like being lied to. The problem with Republicans, Conservatives, and especially Christians—we expect a fair fight. The problem with Demo-rats, they can’t win a fair fight. And they will do anything to win, it seems. (The letter I’m leaving out of their name is “c.” I think it stands for cheats, or it could be cowards, or comrades?)
And, I hate to say it, but there’s another systemic problem, another branch of the tree, withering in indecision, aka corruption. The Supreme Court acts powerless (unwilling) to take a stand for the Constitution and the Country, to hear and acknowledge the evidence. When, in my humble little citizen opinion, the evidence of fraud (the truth) is finally revealed to the whole country, it is going to be very, very damaging to a lot of people, and that’s why everyone is attempting to suppress the TRUTH of the STEAL, including the High Court.
They’ve all eaten of the same poisonous tree. Or did they just drink the kool-aid? Not all of them are bad actors, of course, but too many are too cowardly and dishonest for my liking, let alone for the good of the country.
And why did all of this happen yesterday in Washington D.C.? It’s because of the fraudulent, fixed and un-American Presidential Election, of course. And the cover up (which we are in the midst of right now) that will make Watergate look like a minor incident.
But, here’s the good news.
What all of them are blind to, absolutely alien to, is the God of the Universe. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Name Above All Names. The God who just happened to make possible this place we call—the land of the free and the home of the brave—by joining into Divine Covenant with our amazingly brave and God-led Founding Fathers.
The God who made us and loves us, Jesus, is in the hearts of those people, those citizens rallying around our President. A good man. A Great man. A Patriot. Our 45th President.
The Spirit of Intimidation was at work in Washington yesterday. But we Americans won’t be bullied or intimidated. God is with us and we’re not afraid.
This is real life. It’s not a movie.
God is real and he’s taking back His country.
Go ahead.
Argue with God.
Take your chances.
Wait and see…
One question: Who’s side is the government-elect on? (God’s side or …well, you know who…) Who—Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer…? Who them? It’s obvious! The side of Darkness.
But what about You?
You never know, things can change in an instant where God is concerned.
Most importantly, right here, right now, He loves you and wants to forgive you and change your life. Just ask Him.
“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8