I received these comments January 28th on Facebook. I think they are interesting and wanted to share them with you in case they get lost in the thread. She thinks I ought to have my head examined!
Talking about me, she says:
“Liz Bootsie Martinez She writes in her blog: “So now he says ‘You win.’ But he really just wants me to go away and leave him alone.
“The truth of it is—I am on a mission for the Lord to win him to Jesus and away from the edge of the black pit of darkness and doom.”
He would probably give her back the money if she would leave him alone! Notice that this victim never once puts the responsibility for the scam on the scammer — it’s her own fault, or God’s plan, or something.
D. Loren West, sweetie, have you considered seeing a therapist? You have some mental issues going on. They can probably be treated. Seriously, look for some help, doll.“
Here is my reply—
D Loren West Are you offering your psychiatric services? I was crazy in love for a while, but I’m okay now. However, if trusting in God puts me in the crazy category, then there I am.
Did you read the home page of my blog? It’s important to point out that I ask you to read the book, so that you know the story. If you don’t want to know the whole story then don’t judge. But, I’m not saying you’ll understand, even then.
This was an experience in my life. An unusual, crazy, expensive experience but no one died and it’s not the end of the world.
You criticize me for taking the blame, but that’s me, taking responsibility for my decisions. I’m not saying I made good decisions but I decided to do what I did, for as long as I did, to ultimately find out what I found out.
Yes, I trusted this man. I trusted that he loved me. I was wrong. How many people get married (or not) and have nightmarish relationships with people who they thought they loved?
He was a man who lied. Hmmm? Men don’t normally do that, do they? (Actually, Wright Walker, my scam man, is the first and only one I’ve known personally, who did. He was ALL lies).
Please read my book, then read my blog, then judge. Thank you Bootsie.