This image portrays my life as it is now in the aftermath of the story I tell in my book:
To Be With You: The Illusion of Love.
Since I’ve been promoting my book on Facebook I’ve received an amazing amount (for me, anyway) of comments. It hasn’t been that long; less than two weeks.
I find that the comments tend to fall in one of three camps:
1. “Victims” for lack of a better word. (I call them “the lovers”)
2. Sympathizers – who express their sorrow at the misfortune, or had a close call themselves
3. Criticizers – who cannot understand how any woman could possibly be so stupid.
If you know anything about me you know that I’m in the first camp. I fell prey to a very romantic, carefully choreographed and scripted, scam man.
Actually, I don’t think I’ve had any comments from actual victims themselves (yet), but rather friends or ex-friends of women like me who couldn’t resist the seduction (and were naive and uninformed).
Something I came to understand better after an exchange with a woman whose friend went off-the-deep-end for a scam man and lost $500,000 – $750,000, is that once you’ve fallen for the guy, once you think you’re in love with him, that’s it! No amount of warnings or admonitions from friends or family is going to change your heart, mind, or behavior. I can tell that is exactly what happened to her friend. That is exactly what happened to me. And by the time friends find out what’s happening, it’s too late. Have you heard the term, “Madly in love?”
So, that’s why it is so important to know about this ahead of time. Once you’re in it, beware.