12/28/20, 6:04 PM
It’s amazing time in history to be a Christian.
I’m learning through God’s modern day Prophets (via YouTube. Yes, as crazy as that sounds…) that much is happening right now in the Spiritual Realm. God is talking to His People. God is letting us know what He is getting ready to do.
Before you scoff and turn me off, hear me out.
Here is what the Prophets are saying:
God has been in covenant with our Founding Fathers since the birth of the nation. This is a special nation founded by God for His purposes. If you were to learn about the spiritual history of this country you would be amazed. I certainly was. No wonder we’ve been so blessed for more than two hundred years.
But now we are at the crossroads. Not a crossroad—the crossroad—in the history of America. (in my opinion)
Unless we change course, we are on the road to becoming a God-less nation; one taken over by false gods—money, media, celebrity, etc. Many have been deceived into thinking that there is no real God or that God doesn’t matter, or that they know better than God.
Nothing can be further from the truth.
The good news is God’s not going to let that happen, at least not at this time. He’s going to show the world His Power, as well as His Mercy, but not His Judgment, not at this time.
And the reason is…
There is coming the Third Great Awakening in the Christian Church. There is going to be a great revival in the Church and God is going to bring as many as a billion souls in the world to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
God is going to intervene in the election and Donald Trump will be President for four more years, to be used by God. Don’t ask me how…just wait and see…
There is an army of praying believers—praying, prophesying, interceding and decreeing in the name of God and Jesus Christ—for our country. They are interceding for our president, our government, the election, our states, our people and the world. And their numbers are growing. God is raising up an army of prayer warriors—battling—in the Spirit— for the soul of this nation and God’s destiny for these United States.
What I am telling you here is not anything I’ve personally had revelatory knowledge of. (I’m not a prophet, I’m a believer.) It’s all out there to watch and hear and learn for yourself.
You can believe it or not, your fate is in your hands. But the fate of our country is in God’s Hands! Praise God!
If you have ears to hear… (Mark 4:23)
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