How is the Coronavirus affecting you directly? Are you worried about money? Your health or your family’s? Your business?
Your physical situation may be unique to you, but your fears are common to all of us. What does God want us to learn in the midst of this pandemic?
Anxiety and worry all boil down to fear—fear that your life is not going the way you think it should. “Why is this happening to me?” you think. But, you may know by now, or at least have suspected, you’re not in control.
Life is not supposed to be a party. It’s a school. The things that happen in our lives are LESSONS. Lessons to grow by. One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned is that where God is, fear cannot be. If God is in your heart and mind, fear has no foothold and must flee.
Another great lesson I’ve learned is that God works one day at a time—in the present. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow hasn’t happened yet. The more we can keep our minds on today, on God, the less opportunity fear has to sneak into our thoughts. Give your today to God. He can and will handle it.
So, are you learning? Are you even thinking about what God is trying to teach you in this time of crisis?
In the business world they call it continuous improvement. That’s what God wants for us. For us to gain, each day, a little better understanding of ourselves and most importantly, of Him.
Do you trust God? Maybe in some things but not in others? Now is the time to start giving it ALL to Him. I certainly had to learn that lesson in my life.
God wants our trust in ALL things, in all situations. When you actively trust God, there is no room for fear in your mind. He promises us that He will provide for us, protect us, and all we need to to is trust Him.
If fear enters your thoughts, cast it out with faith, calling on His name. It takes practice. And it takes recognition that the anxious, worrisome thoughts in your head are only FEAR and only THOUGHTS! But each time you trust Him it gets a little easier. Until one day you realize, amazingly, that the fearful thoughts are fleeting and can’t find a place to perch in your mind any longer. But, it takes diligence! It takes commitment. It’s not a one time accomplishment. It’s an ongoing battle. But the battle gets much easier when you know that God casts out fear and gives you the power and strength to do it yourself in your own mind.
I hear God saying, in this time of world pandemonium, as evidenced by the circumstances we now experience, Slow down, stop, take this time you have been given and listen to My voice. I am here and I love you. Trust in Me. Call on the name of Jesus and you will be saved.
You don’t need to understand why this is happening to our world. All you need to do is trust God.