

What a nice word.

The dictionary describes it as the time of evening. 

It conjures up in my imagination 

an image of the last few moments 

of a breaking wave…

Bubbling surf…

running up the glistening sand 

onto the waiting beach…

To the utmost point…as far as it can go…the last moment…

A kiss…

Then the spent surge sheepishly slips back to rejoin the safety of the sea.

But Eventide also begs the question:

How can tide be even?

Isn’t it by its nature, uneven?

It’s either in or out or 

coming in or going out. 

But then eventide would be 

The moment the switch flips. 

A moment in tide time. 

Neither in nor out. 

One moment


1/26/21, 2:12 PM 

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