Sept. 26, 2019
“All is well. Wonderful things are happening. Do not limit God at all. He cares and provides.
Uproot self—the channel-blocker. Do not plan ahead; the way will unfold step by step. Leave tomorrow’s burden. Christ is the Great Burden-bearer. You cannot bear his load and He only expects you to carry a little day-share.”
God Calling – January 4th – Do Not Plan
Inevitably our lives change. My life is in transition but I’m not sure where it’s going.
Fortunately, I have a couple of things going for me. First and foremost, I have God behind me…and in front of me and all of the other sides of me, too, as a matter of fact, inside and out. And secondly, I tend to live spontaneously. I mean I don’t usually plan very far ahead. So whatever God has planned for me will happen when it happens, according to His plan. I’m not making any long range plans on my own…
The fact that I’m in this financial pickle makes me need to trust the Lord that He will provide. And I’ve learned that the more I trust Him, moment-to-moment, the easier it is for God to complete His plan—His plan for me, and His plan to use me.
He told me, “I’ve given you a story no one else has. Tell the story.”
I realized (just recently), He was also telling me that He created the story; meaning that He caused Wright and me to meet. When I realized that, I felt it was a confirmation of my thinking that God had brought us together right from the beginning.
In the beginning, I thought it was for love, but now I think it was more for learning. Learning about love. Learning how I am—in love, in my life. Learning about God and my relationship with Him and how He wants me to be. And how He wants to bless me. I believe He is going to use everything—the scenario of the “Love Journey,” the book and this blog…For His Glory. Amen!
April 22, 2022
I want to modify my position I talk about in the paragraph above: “He told me…” I now believe that God did NOT create the situation I was in. He used it to teach me things, but I used my free will to go there. Wright Walker was not sent by God. He was being used by the devil. That’s not God.