Love Journey

I went on a love journey.
I was trying to think of a word to describe the experience I had—my encounter with Wright Walker. The only word I had was experience. I prayed for help with a descriptive word.
The term “love journey” came to me.

It really was just that. It was because of love that I began the journey, stuck with it beyond logic and reason, and went the distance.

It showed me, more than anything, the power of love.
I did what I did and I went through what I went through because I loved him. I really believed I did. I was true to him, though, when the truth became known, he was the opposite.

I am still true to him. I told Wright, in spite of everything, I am on his side. Because I can see how lost he is—living a life of deceit and dishonesty. Since I believe in honesty, trust and truth, I intend to honor my word. Even if he doesn’t believe me.

I have told the truth and honor God. If he can’t handle the truth…well, that’s his problem.

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