I believe God is
Who He says He is.
I believe God is going to do
What He’s going to do
When He determines to do it.
On His timetable, not ours.
I believe The United States of America
Belongs to God.
We, as a nation, are in covenant with God,
from the time of our country’s inception.
Satan is using communism and evil doers
To try to rush God’s
Timeline of history
And take down our country.
Take it away from God.
And destroy it/us!
But it’s not yet time for that.
God’s not having it.
Justice is coming and
It won’t be long now.
God is going to get
For what is about to come.
We have been given a window to see
Into the reality of satan and hell.
We have been allowed to see
What life is like without God.
What depths humankind can descend to
Without God.
We are seeing, in the extreme,
the Dark and Light of our human existence.
If we have eyes to see.
Can you see that God
Wants to shine his light on you?
To open your eyes to the Truth?
Rise up Church!
Wake up!
God is on the throne!
Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah!
God Always Wins!
Join His Army!