12/25/20, 12:50 PM
The American press/media, for the most part, is complicit in the attempted theft of the 2020 Presidential Election.
It’s almost treasonous. Not to mention the Democrat Party. It is absolutely Un-American in the way they have conspired to defraud the American People in this election. What kind of democratic government can it be when a political party overtly, blatantly lies and cheats to gain power? And it’s not just this election. It’s been a campaign to defeat the President at every turn—for the last four years!
What if that happened on the field or court of your favorite sports team? What if the other team could influence the officials and change the rules in the middle of the game? Wouldn’t you be outraged? Well, that is just what has happened here and I am outraged!
Of course, you’re not hearing it in the news. It’s gotten to the point, I realized, that it’s necessary to find alternative, trusted sources for news in this country. How telling is that.
(Of course, this is not new, it’s been going on for decades. But the decline is escalating.)
“Freedom of the press” is to supposed to ensure that telling and hearing the truth is protected— not subverted. There is or should be no protection for lying or withholding information that the public has the right to know.
It’s time for you and me to wake up and start speaking up, directly, without regard to possible censorship—how can they censor all of us?! That’s cutting off your nose to spite your face by the media. We are customers, after all. What would big media do if we Americans just turned them off? (It’s already started! Quite a few people have turned their backs on Facebook and Twitter for other, uncensored media providers.)
Or better yet, we can start working to take back our government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” First, we can realize it’s really happening, that our freedoms are being stolen from us, right under our noses. Then we can speak up. No more silent majority!
We need to stand up and use their media to let our voices be heard.
Here I am, standing up for truth, honesty and justice. I won’t be silenced and God is with me. Donald Trump won this election and the truth will bear me out. And when that happens you will know it is God, who is Truth.
Pass it on…your sphere of influence is probably bigger than mine. Stand up for Right, the truth!
Diane L. West